Font formatting within Excel
Font formatting options
Font type
Font size
Bold, italic, underline formatting
Cell border formatting
Formatting the background colour
Formatting the font colour
Alignment formatting within Excel
Alignment options
Horizontally aligning contents in a cell range
Centring a title over a cell range
Cell orientation
Text wrapping within a cell
Aligning cell contents vertically
Format Painter
Number formatting within Excel
Number formatting
Decimal point display
Applying and removing comma style formatting (to indicate thousands)
Currency symbol
Date styles
Freezing row and column titles within Excel
Freezing row and column titles
Excel Formulas
Creating formulas
The easy way to create formulas
Copying formulas
Using operators in formulas
Formula error messages
Relative cell referencing within formulas
Absolute cell referencing within formulas
Excel Functions
What are functions?
Common functions
Sum function
Average function
Max function
Min function
Proofing and Printing
Spell checking
Previewing a worksheet
Selecting individual worksheets or the entire workbook
Scaling your worksheet to fit a page(s)
Displaying gridlines when printing
Printing titles on every page
Printing row and column headings