
We know how much your business means to you and know how important it is to find the right people for the job. By offering an apprenticeship you can ensure that the skills developed are matched to your company’s current and future needs. This will help fill any skills gaps and allow your business to source future managers and leaders from within, so you don’t have to worry. 92% of companies that have taken on apprentices believe this leads to a more motivated and satisfied workforce 86% said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation 80% have seen a significant increase in employee retention

Benefits of Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships offer a pathway for both new and existing employees to develop valuable knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) tailored to your business needs.

Designed by employers, apprenticeships ensure that your workforce is equipped with the specific KSBs required for apprentices to excel in their roles.

With apprenticeships ranging from level 2 to level 7, equivalent to a degree, there are options to suit the learning and development needs of employees at every stage of their career.

Hire an apprentice and invest in the future, by getting talent that’s right for you. If you are a large employer, you can use your levy to pay for your apprenticeship training and if you are a smaller employer, you are eligible for government funding which will pay between 95% and 100% of the apprentice training costs.

Apprenticeships are suitable for people at any age and any level so you can hire someone new or upskill an existing employee, allowing you to grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. Apprenticeships help you to:

  • Offer on-the-job training in a safe working environment
  • Build a culture of learning and development
  • Enjoy higher staff retention and morale
  • Promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Did you know on average in the UK, the estimated yearly gain for employers is between £2,500 and £18,000 per apprentice during their training period.

Apprentice outputs usually surpass their associated costs, delivering a net benefit to employers during their training.

They are likely to increase further once the apprentice completes their training and remains with the employer, after apprenticeship costs and expenses are removed and productivity increases.

Organisations with an annual salary of 3 million pounds or over

  • If you’re an employer with a pay bill over £3 million each year you will pay the apprenticeship levy
  • You can only use funds in your account to pay for apprenticeship training and assessment for apprentices that work at least 50% of their time in England
  • You can’t use funds in your account to pay for other costs associated with your apprentices (such as wages, statutory licences to practise, travel and subsidiary costs, work placement programmes or the setting up of an apprenticeship programme)
  • Pay for training and assessment with funds through your apprenticeship service digital account
  • Existing employees can also become apprentices to enhance their skills
  • An apprenticeship needs to include on-the-job and off-the job work and training that lasts for a minimum duration of 12 months
  • Apprentices typically spend 80% of their time on the job, learning and gaining experience, and 20% or a minimum of 6 hours off-the-job training, which may be conducted at the workplace or training provider

Non-levy organisations and small businesses

  • Employers who do not pay the apprenticeship levy employing apprentices aged 21 and under do not have to pay for their training.
  • Employers who do not pay the apprenticeship levy and employ apprentices who are 22 or over are eligible for government funding covering 95% of the training costs.
  • Can use apprenticeship training for newly recruited apprentices and to up skill existing staff as apprentices
  • Choose a training provider
  • Agree a payment schedule with the provider and pay them directly for the training
  • An apprenticeship needs to include on-the-job and off-the job work and training that lasts for a minimum duration of 12 months.
  • Apprentices typically spend 80% of their time on the job, learning and gaining experience, and 20% or a minimum of 6 hours off-the-job training, which may be conducted at the workplace or training provider

Team Leader / Supervisor


The team leader / supervisor programme is ideal for practising and aspiring managers who are looking to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours and become future leaders.

The training and development journey

15-18 months on-programme training and development to support the Team Leader apprentice to learn the requisite skills, knowledge and behaviours for today’s managers. This will be demonstrated by a portfolio of evidence. The Team Leader apprentice will actively take part in a combination of blended learning activities, including group workshops, 1 to 1 coaching, workplace mentoring and shadowing, and online learning. Contributing to their 20% off-job training allocation. The workshop days included in the programme are:

  • Training day 1 – Self Awareness and Management of self
  • Training day 2 – Leading People
  • Training day 3 – Managing People
  • Training day 4 – Building Relationships and Communicating
  • Training day 5 – Communication
  • Training day 6 – Operational Management
  • Training day 7 – Finance and Decision-Making
  • Training day 8 – Project Management

Gateway follows the on-programme training and development and is agreed when the apprentice is working at or above the required management standard. Apprentices without level 2 English and Maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the end-point assessment.

End-Point Assessment is the opportunity for the apprentice to showcase and demonstrate what they have learnt and apply the required knowledge, skills and behaviours via:

  • A presentation with questions and answers
  • A professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence

On completion of their apprenticeship, Team Leaders will achieve Foundation Chartered Manager Status and be able to use the fCMgr credentials after their name. This will also provide a springboard to attaining full Chartered Manager status with CMI.

Business Administrator


The role of a Business Administrator apprentice involves demonstrating strong communication skills (both written and verbal) and adopting a proactive approach to developing skills. The business administrator is also expected to show initiative, managing priorities and own time, problem-solving skills, decision-making and the potential for people management responsibilities through mentoring or coaching others.

The training and development journey

18 months on-programme training and development to support the Business Administrator apprentice to learn the requisite skills, knowledge and behaviours to complete a varied role to a high standard. This will be demonstrated by a portfolio of evidence. The apprentice will actively take part in a combination of blended learning activities, including group workshops, 1 to 1 coaching, workplace mentoring and shadowing, and online learning. Contributing to their 20% off-job training allocation. The workshop days included in the programme are:

  • Training day 1 – Self-awareness, time management and motivation
  • Training day 2 – Organisational purpose, culture and decision making
  • Training day 3 – Team Dynamics, management and coaching
  • Training day 4 – Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Training day 5 – Policies and external environment factors
  • Training day 6 – Continuous improvement and problem solving
  • Training day 7 – Business fundamentals and project management

Gateway follows the on-programme training and development and is agreed when the apprentice is working at or above the required management standard. Apprentices without level 2 English and Maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the end-point assessment.

End-Point Assessment is the opportunity for the apprentice to showcase and demonstrate what they have learnt and apply the required knowledge, skills and behaviours via:

  • A knowledge test
  • A project presentation with questions and answers
  • A professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence