Microsoft Access 365 Level 2



About the course

To build on some existing database design and/or user experience that may have been gained from the Introduction course.

Audience Profile

People who intend to design databases at intermediate level or improve existing Access databases. Also conversion of databases made in other applications and spreadsheet (flat file) databases.

Course Details

  • Course Ref: MSA2016L2
  • Course Duration: 1 day
  • Course Location: Sunderland
  • Course Dates: TBC
  • Course Price: £195 (Excl VAT)


1: Action Queries
Types Of Query
The Crosstab Query
The Make Table Query
The Append Query
The Delete Query
The Update Query

2: Customising Forms
Manipulating Data in the Form
Creating A New Form
Using the Form Wizard
Creating a Form With a Subform
Modifying and Redesigning the Form

3: Reports
The Report Wizard
Creating a Report With Summary Totals
Using the Label Wizard
Modifying and Redesigning the Report.
Publishing Access Data on the Web

4: Protecting desktop databases with backup and restore processes
Why do I need a backup?
Creating a database backup
Creating a Split Database
Backing up back-end database and front-end database
Restoring a database

Appendix A: Backwards Compatibility
E-mailing Database Information


This course assumes no previous experience of database design. However, delegates with some experience in database design will find this course beneficial if they do not know Access.